Beauty - Beauty breeder's (Martin)
Boons Camp - Boons Camp breeder's (Johnson)
Debord - Debord pet's (Martin)
East Point - East Point kittens (Johnson)
Flatgap - Flatgap pet's (Johnson)
Bethany - Bethany pet breeder (Wolfe)
River - River pet shops and stores (Johnson)
Campton - Campton shops and stores (Wolfe)
Heidelberg - Heidelberg pet for sale (Lee)
Beattyville - Beattyville shops and stores (Lee)
West Liberty - West Liberty pet for sale (Morgan)
Vincent - Vincent shops and stores (Owsley)
Primrose - Primrose pet breeder (Lee)
Ezel - Ezel shops and stores (Morgan)
Ricetown - Ricetown pet for sale (Owsley)