Blackstone - Blackstone breeder's (Nottoway)
Boykins - Boykins breeder's (Southampton)
Branchville - Branchville pet's (Southampton)
Capron - Capron kittens (Southampton)
Carson - Carson pet's (Dinwiddie)
Sedley - Sedley pet breeder (Southampton)
Drewryville - Drewryville pet shops and stores (Southampton)
Meredithville - Meredithville shops and stores (Brunswick)
Surry - Surry pet for sale (Surry)
Rawlings - Rawlings shops and stores (Brunswick)
Evergreen - Evergreen pet for sale (Appomattox)
Bracey - Bracey shops and stores (Mecklenburg)
Wilsons - Wilsons pet breeder (Dinwiddie)
Clarksville - Clarksville shops and stores (Mecklenburg)
Yale - Yale pet for sale (Sussex)