Curryville - Curryville breeder's (Pike)
Defiance - Defiance breeder's (Saint Charles)
Dutzow - Dutzow pet's (Warren)
Silex - Silex kittens (Lincoln)
Treloar - Treloar pet's (Warren)
Lake Saint Louis - Lake Saint Louis pet breeder (Saint Charles)
High Hill - High Hill pet shops and stores (Montgomery)
New Florence - New Florence shops and stores (Montgomery)
Vandalia - Vandalia pet for sale (Audrain)
Olney - Olney shops and stores (Lincoln)
Anabel - Anabel pet for sale (Macon)
Leonard - Leonard shops and stores (Shelby)
Clarence - Clarence pet breeder (Shelby)
Whiteside - Whiteside shops and stores (Lincoln)
Hunnewell - Hunnewell pet for sale (Shelby)