Sidell - Sidell breeder's (Vermilion)
Royal - Royal breeder's (Champaign)
Chrisman - Chrisman pet's (Edgar)
Atwood - Atwood kittens (Douglas)
Mattoon - Mattoon pet's (Coles)
Elsah - Elsah pet breeder (Jersey)
Donnellson - Donnellson pet shops and stores (Montgomery)
Golden Eagle - Golden Eagle shops and stores (Calhoun)
Cottage Hills - Cottage Hills pet for sale (Madison)
Godfrey - Godfrey shops and stores (Madison)
Butler - Butler pet for sale (Montgomery)
Fieldon - Fieldon shops and stores (Jersey)
Bingham - Bingham pet breeder (Fayette)
Brighton - Brighton shops and stores (Macoupin)