Whitsett - Whitsett breeder's (Live Oak)
Pipe Creek - Pipe Creek breeder's (Bandera)
Three Rivers - Three Rivers pet's (Live Oak)
Berclair - Berclair kittens (Goliad)
Rio Medina - Rio Medina pet's (Medina)
Bishop - Bishop pet breeder (Nueces)
Tuleta - Tuleta pet shops and stores (Bee)
Stockdale - Stockdale shops and stores (Wilson)
Aransas Pass - Aransas Pass pet for sale (San Patricio)
Sutherland Springs - Sutherland Springs shops and stores (Wilson)
Schertz - Schertz pet for sale (Guadalupe)
Banquete - Banquete shops and stores (Nueces)
Dinero - Dinero pet breeder (Live Oak)
Driscoll - Driscoll shops and stores (Nueces)