Boonville - Boonville breeder's (Cooper)
Brunswick - Brunswick breeder's (Chariton)
Bunceton - Bunceton pet's (Cooper)
Cairo - Cairo kittens (Randolph)
Centralia - Centralia pet's (Boone)
Santa Fe - Santa Fe pet breeder (Monroe)
Higbee - Higbee pet shops and stores (Randolph)
Renick - Renick shops and stores (Randolph)
Triplett - Triplett pet for sale (Chariton)
Salisbury - Salisbury shops and stores (Chariton)
Slater - Slater pet for sale (Saline)
Houstonia - Houstonia shops and stores (Pettis)
Climax Springs - Climax Springs pet breeder (Camden)
Malta Bend - Malta Bend shops and stores (Saline)
Cole Camp - Cole Camp pet for sale (Benton)