Beverly - Beverly breeder's (Grant)
Bickleton - Bickleton breeder's (Klickitat)
Burbank - Burbank pet's (Walla Walla)
College Place - College Place kittens (Walla Walla)
Connell - Connell pet's (Franklin)
Clarkston - Clarkston pet breeder (Asotin)
Plymouth - Plymouth pet shops and stores (Benton)
Wallula - Wallula shops and stores (Walla Walla)
Asotin - Asotin pet for sale (Asotin)
Preston - Preston shops and stores (King)
Hobart - Hobart pet for sale (King)
Bothell - Bothell shops and stores (King)
Maple Valley - Maple Valley pet breeder (King)
Burton - Burton shops and stores (King)