Basalt - Basalt breeder's (Bingham)
Arco - Arco breeder's (Butte)
May - May pet's (Lemhi)
Lava Hot Springs - Lava Hot Springs kittens (Bannock)
Burley - Burley pet's (Cassia)
Mackay - Mackay pet breeder (Custer)
Preston - Preston pet shops and stores (Franklin)
Soda Springs - Soda Springs shops and stores (Caribou)
Mccammon - Mccammon pet for sale (Bannock)
Montpelier - Montpelier shops and stores (Bear Lake)
Hagerman - Hagerman pet for sale (Gooding)
Bliss - Bliss shops and stores (Gooding)
Hailey - Hailey pet breeder (Blaine)
Declo - Declo shops and stores (Cassia)
Fish Haven - Fish Haven pet for sale (Bear Lake)