Arlington - Arlington breeder's (Kiowa)
Simla - Simla breeder's (Elbert)
Colorado Springs - Colorado Springs pet's (El Paso)
Boone - Boone kittens (Pueblo)
Vona - Vona pet's (Kit Carson)
Chama - Chama pet breeder (Costilla)
Vilas - Vilas pet shops and stores (Baca)
Trinidad - Trinidad shops and stores (Las Animas)
Antonito - Antonito pet for sale (Conejos)
Two Buttes - Two Buttes shops and stores (Baca)
Sugar City - Sugar City pet for sale (Crowley)
Bayfield - Bayfield shops and stores (La Plata)
Crestone - Crestone pet breeder (Saguache)
Del Norte - Del Norte shops and stores (Rio Grande)