Chappell - Chappell breeder's (Deuel)
Kimball - Kimball breeder's (Kimball)
Elsmere - Elsmere pet's (Cherry)
Maxwell - Maxwell kittens (Lincoln)
Keystone - Keystone pet's (Keith)
Sparks - Sparks pet breeder (Cherry)
Willow Island - Willow Island pet shops and stores (Dawson)
Sidney - Sidney shops and stores (Cheyenne)
Alliance - Alliance pet for sale (Box Butte)
Potter - Potter shops and stores (Cheyenne)
Venango - Venango pet for sale (Perkins)
Crookston - Crookston shops and stores (Cherry)
Paxton - Paxton pet breeder (Keith)
Nenzel - Nenzel shops and stores (Cherry)