Two Rivers - Two Rivers breeder's (Fairbanks North Star)
Eielson Afb - Eielson Afb breeder's (Fairbanks North Star)
Deering - Deering pet's (Northwest Arctic)
Central - Central kittens (Yukon Koyukuk)
Huslia - Huslia pet's (Yukon Koyukuk)
Tok - Tok pet breeder (Southeast Fairbanks)
Shaktoolik - Shaktoolik pet shops and stores (Nome)
Chalkyitsik - Chalkyitsik shops and stores (Yukon Koyukuk)
Selawik - Selawik pet for sale (Northwest Arctic)
Ambler - Ambler shops and stores (Northwest Arctic)
Rampart - Rampart pet for sale (Yukon Koyukuk)
Wainwright - Wainwright shops and stores (North Slope)
Noorvik - Noorvik pet breeder (Northwest Arctic)
Northway - Northway shops and stores (Southeast Fairbanks)