Glidden - Glidden breeder's (Ashland)
Harshaw - Harshaw breeder's (Oneida)
Hawkins - Hawkins pet's (Rusk)
Saxon - Saxon kittens (Iron)
Sayner - Sayner pet's (Vilas)
Phillips - Phillips pet breeder (Price)
Land O Lakes - Land O Lakes pet shops and stores (Vilas)
Montreal - Montreal shops and stores (Iron)
Tony - Tony pet for sale (Rusk)
Presque Isle - Presque Isle shops and stores (Vilas)
Black River Falls - Black River Falls pet for sale (Jackson)
Hixton - Hixton shops and stores (Jackson)
Cochrane - Cochrane pet breeder (Buffalo)
La Crosse - La Crosse shops and stores (La Crosse)
Ferryville - Ferryville pet for sale (Crawford)