Krypton - Krypton breeder's (Perry)
Avawam - Avawam breeder's (Perry)
Kite - Kite pet's (Knott)
Smilax - Smilax kittens (Leslie)
Bandana - Bandana pet's (Ballard)
Slemp - Slemp pet breeder (Perry)
Leburn - Leburn pet shops and stores (Knott)
Wendover - Wendover shops and stores (Leslie)
Littcarr - Littcarr pet for sale (Knott)
Thornton - Thornton shops and stores (Letcher)
Neon - Neon pet for sale (Letcher)
Almo - Almo shops and stores (Calloway)
Seco - Seco pet breeder (Letcher)