Crabtree - Crabtree breeder's (Linn)
Blodgett - Blodgett breeder's (Benton)
Otter Rock - Otter Rock pet's (Lincoln)
Newport - Newport kittens (Lincoln)
Alvadore - Alvadore pet's (Lane)
Lincoln City - Lincoln City pet breeder (Lincoln)
Seal Rock - Seal Rock pet shops and stores (Lincoln)
Silverton - Silverton shops and stores (Marion)
South Beach - South Beach pet for sale (Lincoln)
Philomath - Philomath shops and stores (Benton)
Coos Bay - Coos Bay pet for sale (Coos)
Agness - Agness shops and stores (Curry)
Coquille - Coquille pet breeder (Coos)
Blue River - Blue River shops and stores (Lane)
Tidewater - Tidewater pet for sale (Lincoln)