Arthur - Arthur breeder's (Ida)
Aspinwall - Aspinwall breeder's (Crawford)
Webb - Webb pet's (Clay)
Carroll - Carroll kittens (Carroll)
Scranton - Scranton pet's (Greene)
Glenwood - Glenwood pet breeder (Mills)
Vail - Vail pet shops and stores (Crawford)
Earling - Earling shops and stores (Shelby)
Ricketts - Ricketts pet for sale (Crawford)
Templeton - Templeton shops and stores (Carroll)
Magnolia - Magnolia pet for sale (Harrison)
Honey Creek - Honey Creek shops and stores (Pottawattamie)
Modale - Modale pet breeder (Harrison)
Macedonia - Macedonia shops and stores (Pottawattamie)
Panama - Panama pet for sale (Shelby)