Willis - Willis breeder's (Washtenaw)
Wyandotte - Wyandotte breeder's (Wayne)
Canton - Canton pet's (Wayne)
Whitmore Lake - Whitmore Lake kittens (Washtenaw)
Pontiac - Pontiac pet's (Oakland)
Atlas - Atlas pet breeder (Genesee)
Davisburg - Davisburg pet shops and stores (Oakland)
Walled Lake - Walled Lake shops and stores (Oakland)
Drayton Plains - Drayton Plains pet for sale (Oakland)
Clarkston - Clarkston shops and stores (Oakland)
Decker - Decker pet for sale (Sanilac)
Burt - Burt shops and stores (Saginaw)
Flushing - Flushing pet breeder (Genesee)
Davison - Davison shops and stores (Genesee)
Grand Blanc - Grand Blanc pet for sale (Genesee)