Council - Council breeder's (Bladen)
Ash - Ash breeder's (Brunswick)
Cerro Gordo - Cerro Gordo pet's (Columbus)
Fair Bluff - Fair Bluff kittens (Columbus)
Brunswick - Brunswick pet's (Columbus)
Cove City - Cove City pet breeder (Craven)
Alliance - Alliance pet shops and stores (Pamlico)
Kinston - Kinston shops and stores (Lenoir)
Beaufort - Beaufort pet for sale (Carteret)
Albertson - Albertson shops and stores (Duplin)
Willard - Willard pet for sale (Pender)
Bridgeton - Bridgeton shops and stores (Craven)
Ernul - Ernul pet breeder (Craven)
Gloucester - Gloucester shops and stores (Carteret)