Clintwood - Clintwood breeder's (Dickenson)
Birchleaf - Birchleaf breeder's (Dickenson)
Jonesville - Jonesville pet's (Lee)
Fort Blackmore - Fort Blackmore kittens (Scott)
Rosedale - Rosedale pet's (Russell)
Laurel Fork - Laurel Fork pet breeder (Carroll)
Galax - Galax pet shops and stores (Galax City)
Saltville - Saltville shops and stores (Smyth)
Fries - Fries pet for sale (Grayson)
Rural Retreat - Rural Retreat shops and stores (Wythe)
Elk Creek - Elk Creek pet for sale (Grayson)
Max Meadows - Max Meadows shops and stores (Wythe)
Cripple Creek - Cripple Creek pet breeder (Wythe)
Crockett - Crockett shops and stores (Wythe)