Hampton - Hampton breeder's (Franklin)
Hanlontown - Hanlontown breeder's (Worth)
Joice - Joice pet's (Worth)
Rudd - Rudd kittens (Floyd)
Saint Ansgar - Saint Ansgar pet's (Mitchell)
Rock Falls - Rock Falls pet breeder (Cerro Gordo)
Little Cedar - Little Cedar pet shops and stores (Mitchell)
Plymouth - Plymouth shops and stores (Cerro Gordo)
Stacyville - Stacyville pet for sale (Mitchell)
Rockwell - Rockwell shops and stores (Cerro Gordo)
Algona - Algona pet for sale (Kossuth)
Duncombe - Duncombe shops and stores (Webster)
Bode - Bode pet breeder (Humboldt)
Toeterville - Toeterville shops and stores (Mitchell)
Clarion - Clarion pet for sale (Wright)