Enoree - Enoree breeder's (Spartanburg)
Cross Anchor - Cross Anchor breeder's (Spartanburg)
Waterloo - Waterloo pet's (Laurens)
Roebuck - Roebuck kittens (Spartanburg)
Hollywood - Hollywood pet's (Charleston)
Una - Una pet breeder (Spartanburg)
North Charleston - North Charleston pet shops and stores (Charleston)
Bethera - Bethera shops and stores (Berkeley)
Startex - Startex pet for sale (Spartanburg)
Wellford - Wellford shops and stores (Spartanburg)
Pineville - Pineville pet for sale (Berkeley)
Grover - Grover shops and stores (Dorchester)
Pinopolis - Pinopolis pet breeder (Berkeley)
Jamestown - Jamestown shops and stores (Berkeley)
Dorchester - Dorchester pet for sale (Dorchester)