Crandall - Crandall breeder's (Kaufman)
Barry - Barry breeder's (Navarro)
Hutchins - Hutchins pet's (Dallas)
Fruitvale - Fruitvale kittens (Van Zandt)
Rice - Rice pet's (Navarro)
Chicota - Chicota pet breeder (Lamar)
Bogata - Bogata pet shops and stores (Red River)
Deport - Deport shops and stores (Lamar)
Blossom - Blossom pet for sale (Lamar)
Cunningham - Cunningham shops and stores (Lamar)
Bailey - Bailey pet for sale (Fannin)
Commerce - Commerce shops and stores (Hunt)
Anna - Anna pet breeder (Collin)
Alba - Alba shops and stores (Wood)