Garner - Garner breeder's (Wake)
Goldsboro - Goldsboro breeder's (Wayne)
Henderson - Henderson pet's (Vance)
Holly Springs - Holly Springs kittens (Wake)
Hurdle Mills - Hurdle Mills pet's (Person)
Timberlake - Timberlake pet breeder (Person)
Middleburg - Middleburg pet shops and stores (Vance)
Selma - Selma shops and stores (Johnston)
Warrenton - Warrenton pet for sale (Warren)
Stovall - Stovall shops and stores (Granville)
Elm City - Elm City pet for sale (Wilson)
Battleboro - Battleboro shops and stores (Edgecombe)
Durham - Durham pet breeder (Durham)
Castalia - Castalia shops and stores (Nash)
Research Triangle Park - Research Triangle Park pet for sale (Durham)