Hamilton - Hamilton breeder's (Harris)
Upatoi - Upatoi breeder's (Muscogee)
Omaha - Omaha pet's (Stewart)
Columbus - Columbus kittens (Muscogee)
Talbotton - Talbotton pet's (Talbot)
Morgan - Morgan pet breeder (Calhoun)
Damascus - Damascus pet shops and stores (Early)
Brinson - Brinson shops and stores (Decatur)
Newton - Newton pet for sale (Baker)
Blakely - Blakely shops and stores (Early)
Coleman - Coleman pet for sale (Randolph)
Fort Gaines - Fort Gaines shops and stores (Clay)
Bainbridge - Bainbridge pet breeder (Decatur)
Leary - Leary shops and stores (Calhoun)