Grimstead - Grimstead breeder's (Mathews)
Jetersville - Jetersville breeder's (Amelia)
Hardyville - Hardyville pet's (Middlesex)
Little Plymouth - Little Plymouth kittens (King And Queen)
Jamestown - Jamestown pet's (James City)
Ordinary - Ordinary pet breeder (Gloucester)
Moon - Moon pet shops and stores (Mathews)
Manquin - Manquin shops and stores (King William)
Powhatan - Powhatan pet for sale (Powhatan)
Manakin Sabot - Manakin Sabot shops and stores (Goochland)
Midlothian - Midlothian pet for sale (Chesterfield)
New Point - New Point shops and stores (Mathews)
Maidens - Maidens pet breeder (Goochland)
Onemo - Onemo shops and stores (Mathews)