Pierre - Pierre breeder's (Hughes)
Tolstoy - Tolstoy breeder's (Potter)
Ideal - Ideal pet's (Tripp)
Hamill - Hamill kittens (Tripp)
Norris - Norris pet's (Mellette)
Little Eagle - Little Eagle pet breeder (Corson)
Glencross - Glencross pet shops and stores (Dewey)
Pollock - Pollock shops and stores (Campbell)
Faith - Faith pet for sale (Meade)
Mound City - Mound City shops and stores (Campbell)
Cherry Creek - Cherry Creek pet for sale (Ziebach)
Mc Intosh - Mc Intosh shops and stores (Corson)
Wood - Wood pet breeder (Mellette)
Mobridge - Mobridge shops and stores (Walworth)