Coldiron - Coldiron breeder's (Harlan)
Bledsoe - Bledsoe breeder's (Harlan)
Lejunior - Lejunior pet's (Harlan)
Helton - Helton kittens (Leslie)
Wallins Creek - Wallins Creek pet's (Harlan)
Saul - Saul pet breeder (Perry)
Kettle Island - Kettle Island pet shops and stores (Bell)
Augusta - Augusta shops and stores (Bracken)
Ingram - Ingram pet for sale (Bell)
Alexandria - Alexandria shops and stores (Campbell)
Heidrick - Heidrick pet for sale (Knox)
Sextons Creek - Sextons Creek shops and stores (Clay)
Garrard - Garrard pet breeder (Clay)
Girdler - Girdler shops and stores (Knox)