Harker Heights - Harker Heights breeder's (Bell)
Lampasas - Lampasas breeder's (Lampasas)
Little River Academy - Little River Academy pet's (Bell)
Blum - Blum kittens (Hill)
Brandon - Brandon pet's (Hill)
Aquilla - Aquilla pet breeder (Hill)
Purmela - Purmela pet shops and stores (Coryell)
Thrall - Thrall shops and stores (Williamson)
Bynum - Bynum pet for sale (Hill)
Axtell - Axtell shops and stores (Mclennan)
Groesbeck - Groesbeck pet for sale (Limestone)
Mertens - Mertens shops and stores (Hill)
Irene - Irene pet breeder (Hill)
Covington - Covington shops and stores (Hill)
Lott - Lott pet for sale (Falls)