Garner - Garner breeder's (Knott)
Thousandsticks - Thousandsticks breeder's (Leslie)
Blackey - Blackey pet's (Letcher)
Isom - Isom kittens (Letcher)
Wendover - Wendover pet's (Leslie)
Hampton - Hampton pet breeder (Livingston)
Clinton - Clinton pet shops and stores (Hickman)
Burna - Burna shops and stores (Livingston)
Eddyville - Eddyville pet for sale (Lyon)
Calvert City - Calvert City shops and stores (Marshall)
Barlow - Barlow pet for sale (Ballard)
Farmington - Farmington shops and stores (Graves)
Hickory - Hickory pet breeder (Graves)
Kevil - Kevil shops and stores (Mccracken)