Ottine - Ottine breeder's (Gonzales)
Weir - Weir breeder's (Williamson)
Round Rock - Round Rock pet's (Williamson)
Barksdale - Barksdale kittens (Edwards)
Walburg - Walburg pet's (Williamson)
Utopia - Utopia pet breeder (Uvalde)
Hondo - Hondo pet shops and stores (Medina)
Comstock - Comstock shops and stores (Val Verde)
Yancey - Yancey pet for sale (Medina)
Carrizo Springs - Carrizo Springs shops and stores (Dimmit)
Dryden - Dryden pet for sale (Terrell)
Leakey - Leakey shops and stores (Real)
Camp Wood - Camp Wood pet breeder (Real)
Tarpley - Tarpley shops and stores (Bandera)