Kelly - Kelly breeder's (Bladen)
Southport - Southport breeder's (Brunswick)
Maple Hill - Maple Hill pet's (Pender)
Calabash - Calabash kittens (Brunswick)
Sneads Ferry - Sneads Ferry pet's (Onslow)
Gloucester - Gloucester pet breeder (Carteret)
Beulaville - Beulaville pet shops and stores (Duplin)
Kinston - Kinston shops and stores (Lenoir)
Grifton - Grifton pet for sale (Pitt)
Winnabow - Winnabow shops and stores (Brunswick)
Ayden - Ayden pet for sale (Pitt)
Comfort - Comfort shops and stores (Jones)
Willard - Willard pet breeder (Pender)
Ernul - Ernul shops and stores (Craven)