Nyssa - Nyssa breeder's (Malheur)
Weston - Weston breeder's (Umatilla)
Ontario - Ontario pet's (Malheur)
Harper - Harper kittens (Malheur)
Sumpter - Sumpter pet's (Baker)
Mulino - Mulino pet breeder (Clackamas)
Deer Island - Deer Island pet shops and stores (Columbia)
Hubbard - Hubbard shops and stores (Marion)
Rhododendron - Rhododendron pet for sale (Clackamas)
The Dalles - The Dalles shops and stores (Wasco)
Troutdale - Troutdale pet for sale (Multnomah)
Kent - Kent shops and stores (Sherman)
Moro - Moro pet breeder (Sherman)