Imbler - Imbler breeder's (Union)
Imnaha - Imnaha breeder's (Wallowa)
Hermiston - Hermiston pet's (Umatilla)
Lexington - Lexington kittens (Morrow)
Umatilla - Umatilla pet's (Umatilla)
Vale - Vale pet breeder (Malheur)
Unity - Unity pet shops and stores (Baker)
Juntura - Juntura shops and stores (Malheur)
Sumpter - Sumpter pet for sale (Baker)
Union - Union shops and stores (Union)
Clatskanie - Clatskanie pet for sale (Columbia)
Beaverton - Beaverton shops and stores (Washington)
Eagle Creek - Eagle Creek pet breeder (Clackamas)
Clackamas - Clackamas shops and stores (Clackamas)
Grass Valley - Grass Valley pet for sale (Sherman)