Hye - Hye breeder's (Blanco)
Gonzales - Gonzales breeder's (Gonzales)
San Marcos - San Marcos pet's (Hays)
Prairie Lea - Prairie Lea kittens (Caldwell)
Dryden - Dryden pet's (Terrell)
Round Mountain - Round Mountain pet breeder (Blanco)
Weir - Weir pet shops and stores (Williamson)
Uvalde - Uvalde shops and stores (Uvalde)
Red Rock - Red Rock pet for sale (Bastrop)
Spicewood - Spicewood shops and stores (Travis)
Rocksprings - Rocksprings pet for sale (Edwards)
Laughlin A F B - Laughlin A F B shops and stores (Val Verde)
Sabinal - Sabinal pet breeder (Uvalde)
Knippa - Knippa shops and stores (Uvalde)
Carrizo Springs - Carrizo Springs pet for sale (Dimmit)