Kwethluk - Kwethluk breeder's (Bethel)
Kwigillingok - Kwigillingok breeder's (Bethel)
Larsen Bay - Larsen Bay pet's (Kodiak Island)
Levelock - Levelock kittens (Lake And Peninsula)
Lower Kalskag - Lower Kalskag pet's (Bethel)
Russian Mission - Russian Mission pet breeder (Wade Hampton)
Toksook Bay - Toksook Bay pet shops and stores (Bethel)
Big Lake - Big Lake shops and stores (Matanuska Susitna)
Sand Point - Sand Point pet for sale (Aleutians East)
Red Devil - Red Devil shops and stores (Bethel)
Nightmute - Nightmute pet for sale (Bethel)
Tatitlek - Tatitlek shops and stores (Valdez Cordova)
Soldotna - Soldotna pet breeder (Kenai Peninsula)
Trapper Creek - Trapper Creek shops and stores (Matanuska Susitna)
South Naknek - South Naknek pet for sale (Bristol Bay)