Lynch - Lynch breeder's (Boyd)
Mclean - Mclean breeder's (Pierce)
Madison - Madison pet's (Madison)
Magnet - Magnet kittens (Cedar)
Maskell - Maskell pet's (Dixon)
Wakefield - Wakefield pet breeder (Dixon)
Orchard - Orchard pet shops and stores (Antelope)
Stanton - Stanton shops and stores (Stanton)
West Point - West Point pet for sale (Cuming)
Verdigre - Verdigre shops and stores (Knox)
Elba - Elba pet for sale (Howard)
Brewster - Brewster shops and stores (Blaine)
Anselmo - Anselmo pet breeder (Custer)
Chapman - Chapman shops and stores (Merrick)
Ansley - Ansley pet for sale (Custer)