Madison - Madison breeder's (Lake)
Marion - Marion breeder's (Turner)
Menno - Menno pet's (Hutchinson)
Mission Hill - Mission Hill kittens (Yankton)
Monroe - Monroe pet's (Turner)
Yankton - Yankton pet breeder (Yankton)
Scotland - Scotland pet shops and stores (Bon Homme)
Wakonda - Wakonda shops and stores (Clay)
Astoria - Astoria pet for sale (Deuel)
Worthing - Worthing shops and stores (Lincoln)
Lake City - Lake City pet for sale (Marshall)
Erwin - Erwin shops and stores (Kingsbury)
Castlewood - Castlewood pet breeder (Hamlin)
Grenville - Grenville shops and stores (Day)
Claire City - Claire City pet for sale (Roberts)