Newport - Newport breeder's (Carteret)
Camp Lejeune - Camp Lejeune breeder's (Onslow)
Oriental - Oriental pet's (Pamlico)
Marshallberg - Marshallberg kittens (Carteret)
Havelock - Havelock pet's (Craven)
Fleetwood - Fleetwood pet breeder (Ashe)
Hays - Hays pet shops and stores (Wilkes)
Crossnore - Crossnore shops and stores (Avery)
Granite Falls - Granite Falls pet for sale (Caldwell)
Jefferson - Jefferson shops and stores (Ashe)
Jonas Ridge - Jonas Ridge pet for sale (Burke)
Crumpler - Crumpler shops and stores (Ashe)
Ennice - Ennice pet breeder (Alleghany)