Palmerdale - Palmerdale breeder's (Jefferson)
Pelham - Pelham breeder's (Shelby)
Pell City - Pell City pet's (Saint Clair)
Vandiver - Vandiver kittens (Shelby)
Vincent - Vincent pet's (Shelby)
Thorsby - Thorsby pet breeder (Chilton)
Saginaw - Saginaw pet shops and stores (Shelby)
Sycamore - Sycamore shops and stores (Talladega)
Watson - Watson pet for sale (Jefferson)
Trussville - Trussville shops and stores (Jefferson)
Akron - Akron pet for sale (Hale)
Gainesville - Gainesville shops and stores (Sumter)
Clinton - Clinton pet breeder (Greene)
Wilsonville - Wilsonville shops and stores (Shelby)
Elrod - Elrod pet for sale (Tuscaloosa)