Hodgen - Hodgen breeder's (Le Flore)
Bunch - Bunch breeder's (Adair)
Shady Point - Shady Point pet's (Le Flore)
Muse - Muse kittens (Le Flore)
Watson - Watson pet's (Mccurtain)
Norman - Norman pet breeder (Cleveland)
Blanchard - Blanchard pet shops and stores (Mcclain)
Cyril - Cyril shops and stores (Caddo)
Binger - Binger pet for sale (Caddo)
Crescent - Crescent shops and stores (Logan)
Apache - Apache pet for sale (Caddo)
Colony - Colony shops and stores (Washita)
Alex - Alex pet breeder (Grady)
Edmond - Edmond shops and stores (Oklahoma)