Newbern - Newbern breeder's (Hale)
Stanton - Stanton breeder's (Chilton)
Sardis - Sardis pet's (Dallas)
Camp Hill - Camp Hill kittens (Tallapoosa)
Uniontown - Uniontown pet's (Perry)
Lisman - Lisman pet breeder (Choctaw)
Pittsview - Pittsview pet shops and stores (Russell)
Hatchechubbee - Hatchechubbee shops and stores (Russell)
Needham - Needham pet for sale (Choctaw)
Five Points - Five Points shops and stores (Chambers)
Loachapoka - Loachapoka pet for sale (Lee)
Waverly - Waverly shops and stores (Lee)
Valley - Valley pet breeder (Chambers)
Jachin - Jachin shops and stores (Choctaw)