Ashford - Ashford breeder's (Windham)
Willington - Willington breeder's (Tolland)
South Woodstock - South Woodstock pet's (Windham)
Storrs Mansfield - Storrs Mansfield kittens (Tolland)
Oakdale - Oakdale pet's (New London)
Beacon Falls - Beacon Falls pet breeder (New Haven)
Old Mystic - Old Mystic pet shops and stores (New London)
Wauregan - Wauregan shops and stores (Windham)
Norwich - Norwich pet for sale (New London)
Old Lyme - Old Lyme shops and stores (New London)
Salem - Salem pet for sale (New London)
Clinton - Clinton shops and stores (Middlesex)
Haddam - Haddam pet breeder (Middlesex)
Killingworth - Killingworth shops and stores (Middlesex)
Marion - Marion pet for sale (Hartford)