Malin - Malin breeder's (Klamath)
Williams - Williams breeder's (Josephine)
Dairy - Dairy pet's (Klamath)
Paisley - Paisley kittens (Lake)
Beatty - Beatty pet's (Klamath)
Elgin - Elgin pet breeder (Union)
Adams - Adams pet shops and stores (Umatilla)
Warm Springs - Warm Springs shops and stores (Jefferson)
Bridgeport - Bridgeport pet for sale (Baker)
Pendleton - Pendleton shops and stores (Umatilla)
Riley - Riley pet for sale (Harney)
Condon - Condon shops and stores (Gilliam)
Halfway - Halfway pet breeder (Baker)
Helix - Helix shops and stores (Umatilla)