Max - Max breeder's (Mclean)
Maxbass - Maxbass breeder's (Bottineau)
Makoti - Makoti pet's (Ward)
Mandaree - Mandaree kittens (Mckenzie)
Voltaire - Voltaire pet's (Mchenry)
White Earth - White Earth pet breeder (Mountrail)
Tioga - Tioga pet shops and stores (Williams)
Upham - Upham shops and stores (Mchenry)
Westhope - Westhope pet for sale (Bottineau)
Cayuga - Cayuga shops and stores (Sargent)
Argusville - Argusville pet for sale (Cass)
Enderlin - Enderlin shops and stores (Ransom)
Casselton - Casselton pet breeder (Cass)
Galesburg - Galesburg shops and stores (Traill)