Morris - Morris breeder's (Stevens)
Morton - Morton breeder's (Renville)
Minneota - Minneota pet's (Lyon)
Montevideo - Montevideo kittens (Chippewa)
Saint Cloud - Saint Cloud pet's (Stearns)
Evansville - Evansville pet breeder (Douglas)
Alexandria - Alexandria pet shops and stores (Douglas)
Collegeville - Collegeville shops and stores (Stearns)
Wheaton - Wheaton pet for sale (Traverse)
Albany - Albany shops and stores (Stearns)
Holdingford - Holdingford pet for sale (Stearns)
Garfield - Garfield shops and stores (Douglas)
Long Prairie - Long Prairie pet breeder (Todd)
Hoffman - Hoffman shops and stores (Grant)
Nelson - Nelson pet for sale (Douglas)