Morley - Morley breeder's (Scott)
Farrar - Farrar breeder's (Perry)
Leopold - Leopold pet's (Bollinger)
Perkins - Perkins kittens (Scott)
Glenallen - Glenallen pet's (Bollinger)
Parma - Parma pet breeder (New Madrid)
Hayti - Hayti pet shops and stores (Pemiscot)
Gobler - Gobler shops and stores (Pemiscot)
Lilbourn - Lilbourn pet for sale (New Madrid)
Grayridge - Grayridge shops and stores (Stoddard)
Essex - Essex pet for sale (Stoddard)
Marston - Marston shops and stores (New Madrid)
Senath - Senath pet breeder (Dunklin)
Steele - Steele shops and stores (Pemiscot)