Malmo - Malmo breeder's (Saunders)
Mead - Mead breeder's (Saunders)
Louisville - Louisville pet's (Cass)
Lyons - Lyons kittens (Burt)
Winslow - Winslow pet's (Dodge)
Brock - Brock pet breeder (Nemaha)
Omaha - Omaha pet shops and stores (Douglas)
Benedict - Benedict shops and stores (York)
Weston - Weston pet for sale (Saunders)
Yutan - Yutan shops and stores (Saunders)
Crete - Crete pet for sale (Saline)
Carleton - Carleton shops and stores (Thayer)
Deshler - Deshler pet breeder (Thayer)
Crab Orchard - Crab Orchard shops and stores (Johnson)
Dunbar - Dunbar pet for sale (Otoe)