Resaca - Resaca breeder's (Gordon)
Tunnel Hill - Tunnel Hill breeder's (Whitfield)
Fort Oglethorpe - Fort Oglethorpe pet's (Catoosa)
Boneville - Boneville kittens (Mcduffie)
Trion - Trion pet's (Chattooga)
Bolingbroke - Bolingbroke pet breeder (Monroe)
Perkins - Perkins pet shops and stores (Jenkins)
Grovetown - Grovetown shops and stores (Columbia)
Butler - Butler pet for sale (Taylor)
Gough - Gough shops and stores (Burke)
Mesena - Mesena pet for sale (Warren)
Waynesboro - Waynesboro shops and stores (Burke)
Gibson - Gibson pet breeder (Glascock)
Allentown - Allentown shops and stores (Wilkinson)