Nakina - Nakina breeder's (Columbus)
Leland - Leland breeder's (Brunswick)
Ayden - Ayden pet's (Pitt)
Alliance - Alliance kittens (Pamlico)
Midway Park - Midway Park pet's (Onslow)
Atlantic - Atlantic pet breeder (Carteret)
Chinquapin - Chinquapin pet shops and stores (Duplin)
Deep Run - Deep Run shops and stores (Lenoir)
Arapahoe - Arapahoe pet for sale (Pamlico)
Bayboro - Bayboro shops and stores (Pamlico)
Newport - Newport pet for sale (Carteret)
Camp Lejeune - Camp Lejeune shops and stores (Onslow)
Oriental - Oriental pet breeder (Pamlico)
Marshallberg - Marshallberg shops and stores (Carteret)
Havelock - Havelock pet for sale (Craven)