West - West breeder's (Mclennan)
Whitney - Whitney breeder's (Hill)
Wortham - Wortham pet's (Freestone)
Lohn - Lohn kittens (Mcculloch)
Lometa - Lometa pet's (Lampasas)
Goldthwaite - Goldthwaite pet breeder (Mills)
Bend - Bend pet shops and stores (San Saba)
Eden - Eden shops and stores (Concho)
Mason - Mason pet for sale (Mason)
Hext - Hext shops and stores (Menard)
Richland Springs - Richland Springs pet for sale (San Saba)
Barnhart - Barnhart shops and stores (Irion)
Santa Anna - Santa Anna pet breeder (Coleman)
Millersview - Millersview shops and stores (Concho)
Veribest - Veribest pet for sale (Tom Green)