Seiling - Seiling breeder's (Dewey)
Sentinel - Sentinel breeder's (Washita)
Sweetwater - Sweetwater pet's (Roger Mills)
Taloga - Taloga kittens (Dewey)
Texola - Texola pet's (Beckham)
Hopeton - Hopeton pet breeder (Woods)
Carmen - Carmen pet shops and stores (Alfalfa)
Helena - Helena shops and stores (Alfalfa)
Kremlin - Kremlin pet for sale (Garfield)
Hitchcock - Hitchcock shops and stores (Blaine)
Gate - Gate pet for sale (Beaver)
Wakita - Wakita shops and stores (Grant)
Nash - Nash pet breeder (Grant)
Camargo - Camargo shops and stores (Dewey)
Okarche - Okarche pet for sale (Kingfisher)